Burlingame, CA  flight from SF to CO

Paper Notes

Papers I have read with some notes. I hope these pages will be helpful and if so, please share.      


Comments on various QUIC papers will be here.

Did some research on Vehicle Telematics and will have some papers in the future

Dealing with a multitude of papers and reading them:

One of the greatest difficulties of performing research as a PhD student is document management. Zotero, Mendely, PaperPile and Endnote are some of the popular document/citation management applications. I prefer Zotero and recently attempted to use EndNote since it has an iOS client. I am still learning EndNote and will update this page once I can provde a detailed evaluation.     
Some guides :

One major impediment for independent reseachers is the cost of access.
For those outside of academia the is arXiv and unpaywall  but it is almost impossible to get access to most academic papers without some affiliation or significant sums of money for subscriptions.
This article explains some problems with academic publishing.  

Link to LaTex editor comparisons here

Writing code:

Typing accuracy is important. This is a good practice site typing practice

A computer scientist does have to write code occasionally and the use of a particular editor can be be the topic of some very contentious arguments.
VsCode has proven to be exceptionally popular but from my many hours of working with students who seem to never used anything else, I do not see any advantages over other products. 
My favorites are published by JetBrains. Clion, Pycharm, IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm are my editors of choice. The pricing for the professional versions are reasonable and educational licenses are available as well.  They allow for synchronization accross environments and provide a relatively consistent interface.

I've tried using SlickEdit and it is a very good product but the pricing and single platform licencing are not conducive to having a homogenous editing environment across platforms.    

Emacs is spectacular and is really the only editor anyone will ever need. It does require some effort to make it a viable IDE and frameworks like Helm and corresponding tutorials or Ivy and reference sites like Awesome Emacs or this are exceptionally helpful and occasionally I really enjoy going oldschool but modern gui based, full featured IDEs cannont be beaten unless you are working remotely on a bandwith and resource constrained device.

Atom  is interesting and it might be a good alternative to Emacs for the GUI addicted but lastly Vi/Vim is the editor one must have some basic competency  in.       

Lastly, I love Apple's Xcode but I am a *nix guy and that prevents me from  using its excellent  features and the proprietary Metal debugger outside of the Apple environment.